Red and Blue Weeks - A group of students wearing red Florida Atlantic t-shirts while strolling on campus
Red & Blue Weeks

Red and Blue Weeks


Welcome to Florida Atlantic!

Red and Blue Weeks will help you begin to paint your Owl story. You will connect with other students, become familiar with campus, and get acquainted with the many resources available to you. We want to help prepare you for a successful academic and social experience. In addition to many fun activities, we have planned educational sessions and workshops that connect you with campus partners.

a group of student hanging out together on the Housing Lawn during Red and Blue Weeks
a white tent with FAU logos on it placed on the grass next to a busy walkway on campus, with staff members helping students find their way

Need Help? Just Ask!

If you need assistance navigating campus in the coming weeks, staff wearing “Need Help? Just Ask” lanyards found at our tents throughout the campus will be happy to show you the way!

For more information, please email

View the Florida Atlantic Events Calendar

Red & Blue Weeks (2024 RECAP)